Be part of the solution

Let’s fight greenwashing with facts.

Your trusted sustainability guide

We provide trusted sustainability information to consumers and businesses to help foster a better, sustainable world.

Independent and objective

We are an independent non-profit organization that brings transparency to the sustainability world.

One single data platform

Our data platform aggregates data from thousands of sources to offer you structured, easy-to-understand sustainability data and ratings.

Free and open source

We believe that access to sustainability data should be a right, not a privilege. Therefore, we have opened the doors of Sustainyfacts to everyone.

Why Sustainyfacts?

We help consumers and businesses to make informed decisions based on sustainability facts

Fighting greenwashing together

Greenwashing has become a major threat to our planet. By leveraging sophisticated marketing campaigns, some companies have greatly exaggerated their climate actions while downplaying the negative impact that their operations have on our planet. Sustainyfacts is here to change that. We are giving everyone access to comprehensive sustainability data so we can fight greenwashing with facts.

More about us
Coming out soon

Our data platform gives you exactly the information you need.

Sustainyfacts Rating

The fastest way to evaluate the sustainability of a company. Based on public data and built with complete transparency.

Sustainability Rankings

Browse product and service categories and see how sustainable companies truly are.

Quick facts

Is this company net zero? Does this product contain recycled materials? Learn sustainability facts that matter.

Emission statistics and trends

Follow up the progress companies are making in their sustainability programs.

ESG reports

Easily access sustainability reports published by companies and authorities.

And much more...

Visit our Data Platorm section and learn about everything Sustainyfacts has to offer.


Protecting the future of our planet is a shared responsability.

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